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Doctor's Office

Doctors Office: This is where you go for regular check-ups and consultations.
Endoscopy Center: This is where you go for medical procedures, including colonoscopies, ultrasounds, studies, and more.


Doctor's Office

Doctors Office: This is where you go for regular check-ups and consultations.
Endoscopy Center: This is where you go for medical procedures, including colonoscopies, ultrasounds, studies, and more.


Doctor's Office

Doctors Office: This is where you go for regular check-ups and consultations.
Endoscopy Center: This is where you go for medical procedures, including colonoscopies, ultrasounds, studies, and more.


Endoscopy Center

Doctors Office: This is where you go for regular check-ups and consultations.
Endoscopy Center: This is where you go for medical procedures, including colonoscopies, ultrasounds, studies, and more.

Main Line Endoscopy Center at Malvern

Endoscopy Center

Doctors Office: This is where you go for regular check-ups and consultations.
Endoscopy Center: This is where you go for medical procedures, including colonoscopies, ultrasounds, studies, and more.

Main Line Endoscopy Center at Broomall

Meet Maura Barr, DO

Dr. Barr was born and raised in Delaware County. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Bucknell University in 2003. She graduated from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2007, and completed her Internal Medicine residency at Lankenau Medical Center in 2010 followed by one year as a hospitalist for the Silver, Nansteel, Morris & Associates group.

Dr. Barr completed a three year fellowship in Gastroenterology at Lankenau Medical Center in 2014. She is board certified in both Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, and is a member of multiple national and local medical societies including the American Gastroenterological Association and American College of Gastroenterology.

Dr. Barr is an active member of the medical staff of Riddle Memorial Hospital and Paoli Hospital. She lives in Delaware County with her husband and two young children.

Medical Education

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine


Lankenau Medical Center


Lankenau Medical Center

Prep Instructions for Procedures